Uniserve facebook page Best practice of MS Teams functions

Best practice of MS Teams functions

  1. Maximize audio and video capabilities 
    Use the app to collaborate with co-workers through audio and video conferencing. 

  2. The like button isn’t for the sentiment. 
    The thumbs-up is good for acknowledging a message, which can help your team to keep working on a task. 

  3. Reactions are meant for the sentiment. 
    Love, laugh, wow, sadness, and anger should probably be reserved for less formal messages and jokes, but it depends on your organization. 

  4. Only create new Teams when you must. 
    Perform a search to make sure a Team that meets your needs doesn’t already exist. If one doesn’t, be sure you talk to the group to make sure they all agree that a new Team is a right approach. Generally, a new Channel will suffice. 

  5. A new Team comes with a lot of stuff.  
    You don’t have to use everything that comes with it. 
    In addition to conversations, you get a SharePoint site, a Planner plan, a PowerBI workspace, and sometimes more. 

  6. Keep Teams as your internal collaboration tool. 
    Use MS Teams when collaborating with Internals and use email for more formal, external communication. 

  7. Don't over-invite people to your Teams. 
    If your Team isn't working on dedicated deliverables and it's more informational, provide invitees with the option to join or not. Send join codes; they let the recipient decide if it's appropriate for them to take part. 

  8. Make your out-of-office response Teams-friendly. 
    Your Outlook out-of-office response displays in Teams as well. Say “Thanks for your message,” rather than, “Thanks for your email.” 

  9. Send links to documents rather than attachments. 
    One of the advantages of Microsoft 365 is the ability to co-edit documents—take advantage of it. Stick to a single source of truth. Thirty draft copies of a file flying around your inbox are so last decade. 

  10. Track Team tasks with Planner. 
    Add the built-in Planner tab and keep project deliverables, tasks, and reminders in the front of everyone’s mind, right in your Channel conversations.